Chris Tsangos

Investment Committee
Chris is one of the key originators of the Hellenic innovation ecosystem, establishing the Athens Innovation Centre with Bill Gates and developing the first national innovation competitions. Serving as Chairman of Youth Entrepreneurship/Junior Achievement and Member of the Innovation Committee of the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, Chris has been also active in growing entrepreneurial culture in the educational system. During his international career in the high tech sector, Chris served as President & CEO of Microsoft Greece and Regional Marketing Officer for Online Consumers in Central & Eastern Europe where he excelled as a member of the Platinum Club of Microsoft Corporation. Previously, he was the GM of Intel Greece, BU Director for Intel EMEA HQ and Marketing Director for Madge Networks EMEA honoured by the HMS Royal Award for Exports and Queen Elizabeth II. During his early engineering career he assumed an advisory role for European Union and developed electronic innovations for Airbus and Jaguar.
•B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from University of Reading (1982 – 85)